Wormax.io Skins

Oh we're gonna kill that guy you're bigger than me hey guys welcome back to my channel today today we are we are with us Anna. Hello Santa hello so me and said are gonna play the new slither it's called war max it's pretty much a copy-paste slither. But it's it's pretty cool with different skins yes pretty much what I got how do I do that eat a heart me. Obviously I'm so pleased heated I am so confused like you use your mouse I can use my mouse, yes oh that's why I was so confused haha I'm so big from that you yes that was, my first kill thanks for watching it okay no but jelly you need to explain what we're doing yes so on the top right. You can see my score currently I have a set seven not 675 something like, that score now me and Santa are gonna gonna do a little challenge yeah. Yeah you died hey this was just like a trimer this was a tri round have another so from now the one who gets the biggest. Score wins in this video okay so I'll be writing down the scores okay. Good of course after you alright alright nice so this is this is this is my first try am i right yeah hey hey and how many tries to get each uh none one you can have, one practice round that was my. Practice round okay I don't want any practice round no no oh my length was ten and why is the, game in Dutch by the way do you have to take the place your length was 10 light. With length goes 10 but how do i how do I change the language in this freaking game I'm sorry the language is not English this is a European language it's called Dutch Dutch. Dutch okay. I wrote down your score 10 but that was that is that hard to remember no I mean after like. 10 tries we're gonna be really hard for them sure best sure all right San are you ready go all right all right Santa hack the blue colour let's see how she, will you're already bigger than me you know that right you're on 23 you've already beat me this is not great this is definitely. Not going great or do you want this to be a practice round no I like this, you like this yeah faith oh what a kill oh lucky lucky, oh my goodness people are dying front of Santa oh look at that there's a lot of food down there what do we search we should. Switch place because kind of a noise down in here I'm sorry, sad I'm sorry we will do that later your focus right now you got to be focused all right you got to become the biggest what's my length you're like this 351. I've got a dog jacket on me what's up done that's my place oh. That little guy tried to eat me win why do you keep, on doing that see just click backwards I hate that Mouse I'm gonna go get mine so my mouse has a little button here and if you click on that, button you go to the previous page and she keeps on clicking it haha okay I'm gonna change the name Sanne because my name is, Sarah wait is your name Santa are you sure about, that okay this is yeah yeah I want your ID give me our yet I want to confirm this go away jelly okay okay now jelly spouse was so, sensitive that I accidentally clicked away which is so dumb so I. Got my own Mouse much better yeah so that was her that was her practice round, all right that was now rock pizza I got so many points you know just imagining you got one chance for practice.

On so don't screw it up now all right if you click again with that mouse – stupid little button UI you ain't respawning brother or sister problem this dog this dis dog. This dog really wants to be in. The video so here you go oh hello dog show me what you got Santa oh yeah start start growing you're only 81 years old what 81 lengthen Mali move Molly she's touching, me and annoying me I'm sorry port Molly I can't see any other like worms I can. See other worms where on the right are you dumb I'm kidding there's a map on the bottom right of. The screen oh look at that scary little dumb face oh what a kill Santa is legitimately. Good at war max that's what this games were more max the new slither oh you can. Stop oh look at that that was so cool what the hell happened that why is he shut I think you must because it's. Like first place or some way if you double-click what happens double click no that. Doesn't click once it doesn't what does it do and it says if you click W stop Oh what this is either God but don't talk to my game well, you can you can use that you can, use that to stop oh look at he trying to kill you yeah but I ain't. Gonna work is saying is the best at war max not really though your your one eye at fifty ones place that's not better than what you did I have ten, you got ten well i died in the beginning yeah i'm sorry to you it does you. Know the common sex is always full of like.

Jelly you suck you suck at video games and i think this is you I do too so it's fine yes yes kill him kill him come on. Mother you gotta play a little bit risky Santa you got to get those points I am I'm clean risky though we're secure than you've, ever played no rest in pieces pepite pieces okay my length was 572 alright so one point for Santa no no in the end of this, we're gonna see which one got the longest which we're, gonna count up yeah yeah so we have like five pounds okay so zero points we're gonna count the points up, later no we're not gonna count them up we're gonna see which one lasts long this overall like oh okay okay so that's. Dumb but whatever we'll do it that way then yeah yeah you got a taste, name got a taste the name sorry all right here we go we're back in were max, I'm gonna use this special feature where if I click on W I can stop it's currently not working oh my, god Oh another try another try look come on that was you I wasn't concentrating uh well I'm happy we're not doing the count. Up cuz I will win it's 28 okay it's my turn not even both of your, tries add up to what I did there last is like a minute that's so not fair okay well it's much less than a minute and you were like. Oh I'm gonna try this special feature this special feature didn't work okay, let's try again now the winner its turn okay so it's I'm very small. Right now I can see that yeah I'm gonna get big no can you ever yell big you're already very. Big what just kidding Wow look love you Oh huh what is that supposed to me booboo haha sorry I didn't laugh but, still longer than both of your hundred and thirty-eight I gotta be 572 to, be able to catch up with Santa they don't then I'm leading yeah then you're on the lead all right all right so this is my moment my mom you already beat your last score. All right 39 39 great loving it I'm, gonna play real killer for now saying so then you were okay but you need also need to play a bit risky because you want those big points, of course of course don't you worry about me girl I think you should go move towards the middle don't you worry about, me girl look as you can see there's so many snakes and so much food yeah true true you know I actually made slizzard tutorials, how to become fast a, big fast Baker that doesn't make anything how to grow real fast oh come on yes will I be able. To be bigger than Santa with this food oh my god almost almost I'm on 412 you see. That 424 I am catching up with my lady my lady you're my lady right there you're not my lady what are you my boy they'll, be worse Oh goodbye yeah hey I like this game but it's pretty much like slither so I dodging all the food literally I'm, going to the mill girl oh my god Jesus Mary killing look. At that smelly little turd I dare you to kill him all right be the winner girl all this game girl I got this don't. You worry about me oh look at that look at that what do you look like come on do a deli, do it oh come on little bastard get over here with your turd smelly little skin, hey John he's trying to he's trying to kill someone ha ha thank you Dad he died no but jelly oh wait Lily just just. Just hold on we're going home oh my oh there you go jelly is officially bigger than Santa even though uh get him get, him get him don't worry about me gorgeous oh yeah yes yes baby a trip oh oh goodness me. Me your kid oh it was it but I still got the food okay here we go why are you dodging all the food no. I'm not I'm not I'm, circling this guy here we go here we go there we go Oh guys guys uh I'm being circled don't go infernal in front of, him Bob good good good good don't worry about it yes my, food bastard yeah all right so I got a little issue I think that guys trying to circle me but I'm a little bigger than him so he stands no chance, baby jelly has this JD has this all right what are you doing are you doing here a little bandy bandy winton ante yeah no, sorry bandy oh yeah yeah, Oh real they are really dumb dick your dick is so slow I'm so slow I don't know I don't know that was the thing I didn't know that all right I'm 4200 don't you worry. About. Me lady oh oh oh oh what a little sneaky baby but jelly ain't sneaky yes my food bastard all. Right this guy this guy just stole a lot of my food kill him Kelly exactly I'm gonna have to put him down. No I I took the turn oh my god okay well you look at your leg 5022 that ain't too bad you're on the lead No yes all right Santa show. Me what you got now lady show me what you have. Well what you're hiding what am i hiding well nothing I'm not hiding oh look at that look you can't you can't resist no you can't can you leave now big snake. Yes I can get that oh oh you got some you got some food over there go back there I think, they're battling it out they might die school there's a lot.

Of food there's more food ooh yummy yummy yummy oh my god all right so good that how does it taste tastes so. Good what does it taste like good enough good not, you she hates bananas guys yeah ain't like every single video I'm in you always say that I hate but, not yeah it's just funny I think how could you hate bananas it's a clue stop it, you Hey don't even talk about banana phobia oh oh oh yes baby a triple Fah not really it was only one killed got all the food oh yeah. There kill him kill him bomb that's a lot of food.

Setup Oh oh my god well if you keep on going like this you'll definitely catch up with me lady Oh oh yeah I will come on Santa eat eat this eat this food what are you waiting, for what am I waiting for double kill magnet I don't know what that it oh you're sucking all the. You're being circled you're being circled get out you know getting circle the circle is intense circle of, life Oh half the magnet is, quite easy look you're just sucking everything in like a VQ I wonder how long it lasts I don't know I wish you would, last forever I don't think so I ate some ice on top left you can see it you're almost all the way. Into the magnet so oh really last for maybe like a minute oh so cool it's quite long that's that's quite long she said I'm really. Busy home work thought they died yeah that'd be great people I just follow them because if yeah with, the magic that was loud scream 1609 points, for Santa all right so let's do the last round I'm gonna try and beat my score 4,000 something or maybe it was 5,000 and then you are, gonna have to beat my big score I know alright this is gonna be nice you're an ugly. Color jelly no I know thank you thank you racism are you racist no actually, I'm equally racist to all races oh you hate everyone yeah that's great to know thank yous that for my subscribers subscribe time Santos if you want to, be loved by me subscribe don't do it don't get trapped in, there Oh what's this along oh oh oh I'm long now damn girl that's good that's real good but that doesn't give you points though I gave me lots of points Anna I'm just. Gonna go down the. Middle because if I'm in the middle there's a bigger chance of people dying yeah you're done okay that was my last try, what was my biggest score 1000 something I'm not gonna write this down okay so Santa your job now is to beat my high score and you can take all. The time the world but if you beat it then you. Beat it Wow why scores from you guys words from jelly yellow bado calm Oh oh my goodness sleep you kill that guy your asses. Is bigger than me that's the biggest turd I've ever seen what is he I don't know does he come from wait it'd be good why is, he so big what's wrong with him those are people who have no lifes nope pretty much. Why it's like neck following me please tell me someone I want to. Follow this big guy in case lies what does he have on I don't know maybe it's one of. Those cool is it like protection or something whoa what what's going on here oh wow. Mental absolutely mental bruv how is he surviving all of that seriously there's so much people around him I know go away yeah oh he's there he's on, you almost had him actually oh oh look I think he killed someone that's your food now oh he's ting, something really oh yeah you can follow he's ting all of that it's only one each, though I think it's making you smaller really it's making you smaller yeah if you eat that it makes you smaller I don't know why I'm serious. Yes so weird I know I thought I came up with something cool, oh dear kill the dog I want him you don't want a hot dog I like doggies yeah but you don't eat dogs jelly no I don't eat us you're right you're, right right we bore jelly looking, me yummy playing this game yes I'm very bored I'm still so small like where's the where's the food at foods in someone's stomach oh oh oh well guys thanks, so much for watching jelly one yeah, should we do another challenge yeah a thousand likes no wait 10,000 likes Lou not a challenge see you next time Oh .