Wormax.io Hack

Pretty awesome I guess something you guys have never seen before so I definitely want to go back look at the size of this guy here what the hell you pulsating okay guys I'm back. For another day and today today, we playing some were max dot IO I know we go for like three weeks without playing into IO game and now this is like the second one in. A few days magic that's all I can say guys it's magic now this game is going to remind you a lot of a. Certain game that we've not played to long ago but actually quite a long ago actually. Not for a very long time slither dot IO as you can see here we are it basically looks the, bloody same doesn't it let's be honest there is slightly different graphics I guess you could say they all look kind of weird kinda but there's, a special thing about these now I want to. Show you guys but I can't yet because I mean I'm dead for one oh just hold on a second well this will do for starters that is what it is um these types of things, now I don't know what the hell that means does. That mean that I can just kill myself no what the, hell was that basically I don't have a clue what the hell's going on this game but when we get a little bit bigger we can do things like um, go invisible and move through other worms we can just we can there's an ability just stop like I'm not. Kidding when I say that like the worm will just stop you'll see all right I just need to get a little bit bigger first but I'll show, you what I mean in a moment all right we've got another one of these nuke things here honestly don't know, what the hell these are is it increasing my size I don't know um okay cool oh wait we're like, leaving things behind what the hell is it. Producing stuff you know what I honestly don't know I should probably look up these types of, things we're not losing length I don't think 260 yeah we're staying the same we're just creating things like what the hell oh wait, the things we're dropping is just asked when we when we boost okay ignore. That alright let me show you the stock power here okay ready oh oh okay we just, wasted it you see I can stop like two seconds there that was the stopping you can hold it for longer it's useful if someone's trying to wreck you but uh okay we. Know what that wasn't worth it we're backing off. You know we're out here another one of these nuke things oh my god okie dokie so if we eat, these he was nuclear does that mean Oh Mike I just realized we just got really small because of that so if your nuclear someone kills you and eat it then sucks for you buddy you're, gonna get rekt okay luckily he wasn't. Nuclear what does this thing do here so I think this allows us to boost about dropping stuff yeah look at that we are flying around we. Look cool this is insane uh-huh okay I am liking this this, is crazy I'm surprised this isn't more popular than it is so yeah the ability we've got right now just basically allows us to zoom, about all the time without losing anything which is inside here we died well it was fun while it lasted there's still so much more, to check out though all right we're back as a small little fry now and let's just try and get a little bit bigger. This time I want to go I want to show you guys the one where I. Go through another swarm because that's pretty awesome like it's something you guys have, never seen before so I definitely want to show you guys that look at the size that this guy here what the hell, he's pulsating is this even like a he's going so.

Slow is this even a bad guy oh my god oh oh okay we've been circled and we're dead but there was actually a chance we could. Have killed him there and we messed up that's too bad to be honest this is basically just what slither could have been now let's just trap this, guy in here whoa whoa well that was a mess. Okay nope we're dead we got to stop charging so much you know this is this is a longer game there's something. I've got to realize here it's because of all these abilities you and be more tactical you don't have to deter Djinn to kill things so yeah we're just going, to be careful it's is users using the Boost definitely still tater food because that's why I, was wondering for a second whoop you can to click Q as well for it this is just more to it it's crazy quick yeah, there you go get ripped bro alright it's time to get crafty up in here got us a. Couple of small fries what you think are doing no no no no no no. This guy wants me dead there you go so you just got, to play them off alright make them think that they're in control but really they're not and then you just execute them alright that's how you do it, that's some life advice there for you guys just in case you needed it oh is this a cow it's just ruining a cow oh my god, there is a cow worm guys. Oh okay he's getting bobbi's we know this guy's a bit crazy so we're gonna. Try and use that to our advantage over here hello hello bye bye sorry for that for it so if you're lost oh okay we've been cornered we've been cornered and we. Did but he got cornered no he didn't he's escaped that's too bad, alright here we go we're growing up a little bit more again we're in the to 80s now we have not even got close to the, leaderboard as a guy in our game called wall who's got 41,000 points wowzers that's insane alright we've got some guys going over here, oh we nearly just took that guy out, why are we dying so much I thought we used to be good at this we've got a big gun over here ready. Watch this oh okay that was a bit just funny I thought we're gonna take that guy out I guess we didn't what's going on.

Here oh I think we're gonna get ourselves cornered no we're not we're with free and clear some guy here is getting himself cornered oh I'm trying to.

Like sneak around get. Up in here but it's not really working for us but there's a guy certainly a guy so clean uh-oh that's a lot of food that's a that's a good amount. Of food but we kind of lost it that's too bad let's just keep hanging around here I have a feeling some s gonna. Go down Oh Homer there's a lot of death there's a lot of death and. I'm loving it I'm absolutely loving it come on give us some more give us some more give us some. More all right I I'm gonna try use this invisible thing in a second guys hopefully when I, need it I'm starting to figure out which ones are the nukes now as well which, is good we're at 831 I think we're bigger than we've ever got before oh I hope Danny this guy's got nuclear flavors in him okay and it's gone. Yeah I'm hoping that this ething doesn't, cost too much to go through I know it's gonna cost me that's you know anything or worthless t/o that just made me go slow or something I. Don't don't actually know but okay that's the thing is like I the crazy thing is like playing a, version of slither and not knowing how I work because usually it's, so frigging easy but now it's not I think that was to make me go slow right I don't know I still want to use my thingy though that there's even like BOTS rest. In peace see you later this, game is definitely gonna be the new sliver very very soon all right let's say we got some craziness going over here that's. Time to use our abilities gone invisible hell to the freakin yeah did we lose much or did we gain honestly don't even know we went through him um but, it was cool anyway oh oh oh you know what we're just gonna go inside there. Like we don't even care no I know tick to some lap come back quick what oh. My god we are getting so lucky our ability is recharging as well I notice and we're gonna take some more of that, some more of that oh my god we are absolutely consuming this we're at 3,000 points I. Feel like it's harder to get points than this am I am I, right or am i right I think I'm probably right like some guys was at 40,000 we I feel like we've eaten tons of. People but would just sit in a clear three thousand right now it might be harder which is probably a good thing to be honest. This guy here is like following me this nuclear guy thinks he's cool and all Oh what, does that do I think that probably opens up your view a little more who was like, we got a contender over here someone to play about with there should be a. Bit of fun I think look at this it's a bit of a mess here there's a lot of guys going, on it's someone getting circled someone's getting circled interesting this guy's getting dead is he gonna break out for that no he's not interesting can we circle that guy is well like is that a possibility for us oh, he used his ability that little cheeky bastard all right that was.

Really smart I'm not gonna lie we haven't got our ability back yet but hey at least we got some food for it oh oh oh time, to get the hell out of here it thank you very much and we're dead and he died, as well there's a silver, lining on everything okay guys at least we've got that all right we had a pretty good run but we're back, it once again as a small little fry well we just took our big guy for our size.

That was quite impressive don't you little think you can do that that guy thinks he can steal my food there see if people just ask permission if someone just, said came out to me like hey buddy can I get some food I'd be like sure that these guys just try and steal it and. Stealing's bad okay oh we worry about our abilities I'm not just kind of cool that was close one that, was too close for comfort gosh so much death all right all right there, we go they all died they all died they all died for us and for their sins thank you and you guys can eat that little bit on the. Right there it's all, yours enjoy so what we up to now thousand all right we're already a third of our way back that was a nice little skirmish there and we came out on, top which is good hey cow I don't cow oh. Wow that's actually quite a big cow all right I think he's trying to like circle us in some weird way.

Yeah that's what you get but yeah that's what you get it did it did nice, all right we got some good food there or could have killed that guy as well for stealing our food but we're not gonna he can chill what God. Look at that that was a lovely kill all right we're gonna see crap we died I deserved that food I killed him that was that was mine why, do people never just give me 101 not fair I think it's about that time where I like to commit, to one life for the rest and see how, far I go and usually end up lying to you guys and actually just doing like five more lives but we're not, gonna do that okay I double promise this time we're gonna commit to this life here with a little red slug so it's a sign. All right okay why am I being so bold.

That's the problem as I say that and the first thing I do is like charge another snake like yeah that's a good idea anyway there's a guy over there that's just called player. We called smugglers it's creative all, right don't you you got to actually make a good name I want to see all you guys I have a check the skins. Out actually this is just my first videos I usually jump into it but. Um yeah you guys should definitely rap the red skin if possible and chop the slogan name on there and go out and represent I know Geordie is going to be, making a video on this very soon as well so before we gonna say the same thing so you know we need you guys to, sort it out all right get out here and kill as many. Slugs and not smoke don't kill slugs as many global cops and such as possible key there you, go bye bye thank you there you go and we're already up to 250 that's not. Too bad look at the size of this guy hello let me be your friend alright guys I don't think he wants to be my friend that's too bad we can. Just follow him oh well he just killed someone can I. Have scraps please scraps scraps alright he didn't give us any scraps we now hate him he is our. Enemy die oh oh we just had some guy charge over to us I want to get some more power-ups they were cool what ah crap we, died alright pretend that didn't happen I know I know I said that I wouldn't cheat I bought I just just one okay just give me. One that was short and I, was concentrating on something else okay this is definitely my last life now all right oh look at this we got an invisible radioactive worm now don't see that every day wow. That was actually a really lucky kill alright. That was actually really like that was that she really lucky kill as well we're not gonna because that guy thinks you can eat the radioactive stuff look buddy, you must be new around here because that's not how this works thank you hello. You know we can't just beat him as well I'm surprised he's not radioactive for me in that radioactive Ness whatever up. To a thousand we're way ahead of what we just lost, okay we can just completely ignore that about well what what what what what and we surf with a guy just for fun just for, fun we're probably not gonna bother killing him because he knows what okay he doesn't know wasting all right are we gonna get circled again ready ready ready cause that's. What you get so you get look at all that food this is delicious alright we're just going to circle. Back round there and look at that we basically consumed the. Whole thing we just doubled our powers and we've got all our abilities it's gonna be great, take your time we prey on like a larger guy not this radioactive guy because he's radioactive and something we've learned is that, that's bad cool no with I'd okay Paul that okay all right I give up that was it guys drop it like you guys wanna see some more this. Is fun alright it's kind of making me to enjoy this. Like the games again so I do want to play some more to make sure to drop a, like it feeds me alright well if I don't get any likes then they die so that's just how it works thanks first.

Video and I'll see you next time Oh .

One comment

  1. This is something special, do generals.io, we’re big fans of yours on the generals discord channel

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