Wormax.io Play

Grabbing everything here we are grabbing everything we're bad so big welcome back cops my name is Paulo cuppa today we're playing were max dot, io were max dot io is pretty much the new Slayer and it's pretty cool because it's slither with power-ups ok cups so not only do you have the regular Slater stuff where, you can hit each other and, you can boosts and you can slow down so you also have two very cool power-ups one of them is w which is stopped and the other one which is e which is go. Through snakes and that's pretty sick okay so we can. If I am correct pass through this snake just like that and then eat all this stuff and. Still boost and that's pretty much war max that I oh so it's slither with upgrades slither with new stuff I don't even know what that does I. Am toxic right now holy what the heck. No I still don't know what this toxic stuff means and I think you can level up and by unlocks, and things like that I'm still learning but if you cops what is see more War Max that I – make sure, to drop a like let's go over 10,000 lights and am i do apis owed number to of this episode number two of warm acts that, i which is pretty much likes little bit bitter it's it's made. By the same owners the same creator so don't think it's a copy of slither it's legit owned by the same guys and the reason i know that is because on. Their YouTube channel they've been posting the same type of videos life of this game they would never do that for. Competitors so let's go and play cops so what they've done is mods in this game they pretty much added the mods one of the things. Okay careful careful we can stop and go through yet that's another little. Update another little Madhi thingy and but all the mods like zooming in zooming out up being passing through people they've just added it in today game and, that's pretty sick I have to say I have to say that's pretty cool also in the. Top left it shows how long we have, left until this little powerup stop because there's a bunch of power-ups okay and and we, of course are going to grab a bunch of them Oh careful we're gonna grab a bunch of them before we. Die just keep on going just keep on going and of course our goal because there are 500 people on the server our goal is becoming number one on this server, I don't know if it's possible I don't know if some people are super overpowered in this game but we'll have to see. Help we will have to see okay just, steal all their food cuz that's important we have stop we can you stop it says in the bottom there what is this what is, this something I still don't know what this does come on is it like if we die people. Cannot eat us or something like that keep on keep on going through there keep on going over there Oh careful we almost died there holy. Sh this is so cool this is really, cool this game oh no we died I'm still learning and I'm still very curious to see like what some of these things can do because what can. They stop mechanic thing really doing what does the radiation freely do besides just radiating green stuff of course let's go and become as big as weak handcuffs this is. It we're gonna be playing warm acts like we played Slater where we became super big where we became. The biggest in the room cuz we know how this works let's go and, become the number one in this server these guys trying to eat. It he has the American flag in there we go we got him we're gonna eat everything because I know it I know that you Cubs love it when I eat everything if I, don't need everything a lot of you cups. Tend to get mad at me you're like Johnny well look up you love so much road behind I'm like don't worry about it don't worry about it kid, we got this me and you running for. President me running for president of the sliver war max dot IO universe let's go and do this let's not hunt too much let's stay away from the middle what is this this is is, stop it's a stop thing I think we just had had some more stop stuff that that's totally fine that's totally fine. Let's, keep an eye on this guy he's trying to kill us is guys trying to kill us and he just died he just died and. We'll pass through him thank you very much that's also how you can set up a trap because we can pass through him and then like trap him pretty much ok there we, go we got him we got him we got him we. Got him we got him we got him we got this, guy no don't eat all of her food don't eat all of her food come on we have to get out of here we have to get out of here ok ok do we have. The passing through ability no we don't can we survive it till we get the passing through ability oh my.

God no he got us so the passing through ability aka the e and kad I'm hiding from you and I can, escape we should keep that for when there is no other option when we are legit about, to die and then we can use it so, perfect example was earlier when we died should have used it over there but it was on cooldown so we couldn't use it so that's why we're gonna keep it and instead, of using it for aggressive stuff we're gonna use it for defensive stuff. Because I know that's how to do it I know that's how. We win or we use the tactic where we just follow a really big snake wait for him to die or worm my bad we follow a really big worm wait. For him to die and then eat everything that's probably. The best way to grow super big in this game and attack nope and attack nope still not gonna do it. Not gonna do it oh he almost died in know we're here now in the middle of the map we're gonna use that pretty. Advanced tactic we have where we wait we wait for people to die such as this really big blue snake wait for him to. Die just like that okay or we don't okay this is a better guy this guy is. A lot bigger he is boosting quickly though all we have to. Do is follow him this guy is massive I'm pretty sure that's the number one guy in the world right now holy holy holy holy, holy ho that guy is so big look at this guy he's massive what does this do I kind of just want to follow this guy, no we have to find him again we have to find him where did he go I kind of want to have another video like I really what if, you comes really like this game I can make another video on it okay.

Because I'm actually enjoying it and, I want to have one video where I just don't die because that's what we had earlier it's like one of my most viewed videos on the channel which is crazy thanks to, all the support from you cops that's pretty insane still don't know what this toxic stuff does okay there we go and there we go okay that's. How you do it, you just wait for people to die that's the toxic stuff make you smaller I think it makes you shrink oh my god what, if it makes you shrink we're shrinking yeah we shrunk a little bit there let's go and find that really big worm again he was like. 40,000 in size okay another pretty big warm not really big right over here who just that's. Amazing oh my god oh my god how are. You gonna escape this oh there I go here you go grumman grab the magnet the magnet helps us the magnet. Helps us okay there he is the big blue snake we're just gonna follow him okay we're gonna follow this blue snake we can't escape. And do this there we go we just had to kill this guy oh that's a blue snake right there he just went. A circle keep on following the blue snake keep on following the blue. Snake because there is a point where he is going to the oh my god we almost died there holy what the heck that got closed follow the. Blue snake just follow the blue snake how are we gonna do this we can pass right through him in the middle we can do that with our with our. Little boost but should we should we risk it should we risk it for a, biscuit maybe get the biggest in the best ko ko ever in the world I don't think we should, too risky you know what let's go we're gonna pass right through there we're gonna. Be passing right through there there you go there we go okay we tried it but it didn't really work but we're gonna follow him now we're gonna, follow this blue snake we know the blue worm sorry. This is all about worms not snakes okay don't don't don't do that get out of here get out of here just follow him just follow him we're right here we should have, not used it to attack who should have only used this stuff to defend ourselves with the. Blue worm the blue worm is surrounding everybody I want to know his, name what is his name we have to get to the top ten his name is question mark he's. Only number three so they're bigger oh my god they're bigger worms over here holy that's crazy okay grab the Mack magnet the magnet helps us, okay there's a little little colored thingy over there I said nice last little colors I like colors I like colors we are ranked 20. In the world can we go for a number one oh, my god someone just died someone just died someone just died and that guy passed, through us that guy passed through us and we're out we're not gonna risk it not going to risk it note that guy's top sake he has some toxic waste over. There don't want to risk it I'm not going for anybody who's, toxic if you drop toxic stuff you can just get out of. Here just get a D I just thought we killed a guy there turns out he was invisible that was funny we are in the center. Of the map cops let's take a look see if we can do this see if we can find someone who's really big, inside you like this guy who we have to should we start hunting I don't think I don't. Know if hunting is smart are you kidding me oh well time to go again there we go ho. Ho we just killed a guy we just killed a guy that was epic that was really cool and that guys, surrounding us that guys surrounding us no he's not he is going. To die no he is not going today he's escaping he is still escaping let's say we're a small little worm we can, do this we can grab this powerup we can escape perfect grab all this food over here we're a nice little worm we are a nice little worm okay that guy just went invisible that. Guy's going invisible everybody is over here oh wow this is intense this is an intense battle cups this is a very, intense battle let's just go right this way and try to take this American guy this American, flag I mean he might not be American okay okay okay we're grabbing everything here we are grabbing everything we're going so, big away. Died okay I really have to start learning how to use these power-ups and things maybe become a little bit less greedy cups just, a little bit less greedy we did get really big over there okay there a guy just died over here that, guy just died over here okay another guy just died over here and that's great that's great come on grab as much as. We can oh damn it I totally forgot we have to hold the button if we're trying to stop okay okay now this, is fine this is fine this is going great this is going. Great just going amazing let's just keep on moving we're back on track again rank 45 still nowhere near the top one oh that guy just. Turned around that looks so funny nowhere near the top one but but I know I.

Know that we can do it if we just keep them we slowly grow beat her low and steady cop slow and steady oh my. God I thought we had an upgrade there to use I almost used it because I thought we. Were gonna die but we weren't we were no take our time take our time just wait for somebody to die wait for somebody to die. We have stopped we have passing through we have pretty much everything we need come on come on up nup nup. Nup nup can we get him one guy. Just died over there but there's no way we can get him this guy's toxic I like to stay away from the toxic guys come on come on get the little cut there you go okay, perfect we have all the. Food surrounded it's all ours now it's all ours Rock 20 in the world can, we go and get make it in the top ten that's my question comes that's what I'm wondering and that's what I really really really want to achieve, do not grab the toxic stuff toxic stuff is dangerous kills you kills you from the, inside okay there's a big big snake here if we hunt this guy down and manage to eat him oh yes we managed to hunt that guy down and eat him we. Will get really big okay come on escape escape this trap escape this trap there we go he died he died, but everybody else is on him already there, are so many people hunting him down of course he's going to die and and and he you know they ate him they really really liked it they, were they thought he'd tasted delicious rank 17 rank 17. The question mark is still going he's on 41,000 points that's crazy so many so many points okay can we do the and we get this. Guy and trap no no no no no no no no no I got the upgrade he just, went back there's a beautiful green guy here cups and I know that we. Can get him we really want to we can go and get him but should we or should we just wait should we wait for him to die we could, wait for him to die you know just just give it a second give it a second you'll be dead if it one long second, he will have suffered he will be dead who would I, got close but we got some food follow this guy just follow him there you go okay no. I present Rob buck done let's go one more time cups our final life and like I said if you want to see more on, this game drop a like 10,000 or 20,000 likes I might do another episode.

But I really want to I really want to get like a good run going where we do make it into, top ten so far we haven't but then again it's my first time playing this game so it's understandable I guess no no no no no no no okay one more time this is, our final life finally okay this legit is our final life if we die.

Then we're dead we're orange our lucky color our color we're a beautiful orange worm. Cups beautiful orange worm are those amazing orange worms are my favorite let's. Eat everything much as we can try to hunt down a really big worm okay cups I see food, and I see it and we grab it there we go this is all ours this is all ours now perfect, we're back on track slowly slowly getting back on track yes that's nice and oh no don't know anyways cups I'm pretty bad at this game because this was legit the first time I played. It but if you want. To see me play more there egg just drop a like and I will see house tomorrow bye bye I no present rock buck done .